Obstetrics & Gyneacology
Clonallon supplies a range of single-use sterile procedural packs ranging from routine pelvic exam packs to delivery and caesarean section packs.
Clonallon’s procedural packs are fully customisable ensuring that from the design of the drapes, to the high-quality stainless-steel instruments you receive the products you need, tailored to your unique specification.

Obstetrics Gyneacology Procedure Packs
013/02/2022 Basic Caesarean Drape Set
047/06/2022 Delivery Pack
3034Re – Delivery Procedure Pack
3039 Delivery Suture Pack
3139A Colposcopy Treatment Pack
3140A Colposcopy Non-Treatment Pack
3452 Coil Pack Essentials
8087B – Caesarean Section Instrument Set.
8089F – C-Section Procedure Pack.
8093 Caesarean Pack
NMN 2022-2964 Lithotomy Drape Pack
NMN 2022-2966 Gynaecology Set Premium
NMN 2022-2969 Caesarean Section Drape Pack Premium
NMN 2022-2972 Delivery Drape Set Premium